What we did
- Some examples
- voicecream-en
Sharing Japan’s
Regional Attractions
with the World
ClientN. I. Planning Co. Ltd.
September 2016
voicecream is a website run by N. I. Planning Co. Ltd. offering useful information about wonderful tourist attractions across Nara Prefecture, such as special sites or traditional craftsmanship, many of which are only known to a few. voicecream captures the hidden essence of Japan, and Urban Connections is proud to support N. I. Planning in promoting this essence around the world.
Communicating the Spirit of
Japan’s Unique Culture and Traditions
Since September 2016, Urban Connections has been working with N. I. Planning to translate four or five voicecream articles a month into English. Many of these articles describe Japan’s culture and traditions, which can be challenging to convey accurately and effectively.
We take pains to make sure our translations are not overly literal. Our translators and editors have lived in Japan for many years and are thoroughly versed in Japanese culture, and they endeavor to capture the intended meaning and core message of the article, while also adding supplementary information and explanations where necessary to ensure that the articles are fully accessible and comprehensible to anyone who reads them. Working together with N. I. Planning, our aim is to give voice to the people of Nara and share their insights, and we hope that everyone who reads the articles and sees the beautiful pictures of Nara feels compelled to make a visit.
Thinking about
Non-Native English Speakers too
Another point we bear in mind is that voicecream is intended for all visitors to Japan, not just those whose first language is English. Anyone who visits the website should be able to read the articles with ease, so we make sure the sentences are straightforward and simple, but still creative and fun to read. For every translation, we work closely with N. I. Planning until they are truly satisfied.
Contributing to Regional Revitalization
This project has also educated us about all the delightful sites and scenes that Nara has to offer. We are proud to work together with N. I. Planning to publicize these hidden regional charms and intend to continue to support clients who strive for regional revitalization.
Helping Attract
More Overseas Visitors to Japan
As ever more tourists visit Japan from abroad, many Japanese companies are enhancing their international communication efforts and asking Urban Connections to support these efforts with multilingual translation work. Urban Connections offers a wide range of translation and other communication services, and can help your company reach out to a global audience as well. Japanese, English, and Chinese are our core languages. We also provide translations to and from other Asian and European languages, such as Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Indonesian, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and many more.