
What we did

  • Preparing an Entire Company Museum for International Visitors

Preparing an Entire Company Museum
for International Visitors

ClientJapan Airlines Co., Ltd.

2020 - 2021

The JAL SKY MUSEUM offers visitors a hands-on opportunity to immerse themselves in aviation and the history of JAL, with exhibits including an actual cockpit and the various uniforms worn by JAL employees over the years. To give the museum a more global appeal on the occasion of its 2021 renovation, Urban Connections had the opportunity to carry out a comprehensive English translation of the museum, including all its exhibits and information.

An Audience-Centric Approach

Visitors of all ages and backgrounds come to the JAL SKY MUSEUM. With this in mind, we spared no effort to produce a translation that was as accessible and reader-friendly as possible.

Thinking Outside the Box—to Think Within the Box

Our translation not only covered exhibit descriptions, but also all digital signage, printed wall text, and more. When translations span multiple finished forms, it becomes vital to give consideration to space in design. More concretely, our translators had to work with strict word and character limitations. Typical translations will vary in length between the source and target languages, but when you only have so much space on an exhibit plaque or wall, you must create the most appropriate translation to fit within that space. This is challenging, of course, but this kind of fulfilling work is also where great translations can really shine through.

The Right Words for the Job

In order to protect their corporate brand and have consistency in communications, every company places great importance on having their own set of terminology and standard translations. However, it is sometimes necessary to bend these rules in order to convey the intended nuance or have the audience understand the information properly, with the least friction. In such cases, we work closely with our clients throughout the process to ensure that our translation is best suited to their needs.

When you enter the JAL SKY MUSEUM, you will find yourself in a large open space, reminiscent of a runway. With a “JAL Jobs” section showcasing the roles of various JAL staff, a uniform display exhibiting real JAL uniforms from past and present, a digital timeline outlining JAL’s aviation history from the 1950s onwards, and a special section dedicated to Imperial Family flights used by His Majesty the Emperor, the museum is filled with must-see exhibits. It was also a recipient of both the “Good Design Award” and “Kids Design Award” in 2022. We highly recommend you visit the museum if you have a chance!

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